Séries B - Diary

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  • 5 November 1900 - 8 April 1900 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

Extent23 pages

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Diary kept at Cheverly 4th Stationary Hospital in Natal, where Fisher served as a chaplain. Describes the rejoicing at the relief of Ladysmith and his posting to Cheveley, on the way to which he saw the armoured train connected with Churchill. There is much about conditions of the hospital, where there were more casualties from enteric and diarrhea than wounds. Describes the Boer entrenchments, destroyed railway bridge at Colenso and temporary trestle-bridge. There is chaos with troop movements in all directions. Colenso is in utter ruin. His work is concerned with parade services and with the distasteful task of conducting ever more funerals. The sick have arrived from Ladysmith, where they expect another attack.

Regrets that the British could not follow up their successes. On 18th March news reaches them of Roberts occupations of Bloemfontein; on 24 March he takes ill and is sent to Durban to recuperate. There he visits the hospital ship and sees the effects of the dysentery and enteric epidemic. Comments on how the Boers destroyed farmers.

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