Séries A - Diary

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  • 20 March 1900 - 31 December 1900 (Produção)

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Dimensão e suporte

1 notebook

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Occasional entries: begins when he is on leave at Rustenburg from the Boer Army. He is recalled to take his father-in-law's place in the Commissariat with the Boer commandos besieging Mafeking; comments on skirmish with Plumer's men: many references to 'Kaffir' men and women being shot when trying to escape from Mafeking; Meyer's Laager say they will leave fort if not reinforced; May 11, Kreigsraad decide to abandon storming of Mafeking but later in the day this order is reversed, the attack goes on, is unsuccessful and many killed and taken prisoner; on 17 May hear Mafeking has been relieved and they abandon the lager and trek; General Snyman tries unsuccessfully to rally the Boers and retreat becomes a rout with burgers dispersing to their homes; 14 June, English under Baden Powell enter Rustenburg and he surrenders his arms and ammunition; agrees to do translating work for the English but on 3 July English leaves in a hurry and on 7th Boers rehold the town but only for two hours when they are driven off by Australians.

English start to fortify Rustenburg in case of siege but on 6 August English leave for Pretoria and he decides to accompany them; 14 September goes to work in Surveyor General's Office and works there till 31 October.

At back of diary are notes on donkeys, financial notes and accounts with George A. Greathead, Florence Schoch and Helene Retief.

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1 January - 19 March 1900 are missing).

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