Fisher, Ephraim Leonard


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Fisher, Ephraim Leonard

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House of Assembly, Cape Town

Dr Ephraim L. Fisher, The United Party's chief spokesman on health and M. P. for Rosettenville, born in Johannesburg in 1906, educated at King Edward VII College and received his medical training at Witwatersrand University and St. Bartholomews Hospital, London. He has lived and worked in the southern suburbs since then. He was a member of the Transvaal Provincial Council from 1949-1958 and became chief whip of the U. P. Caucus. He won the Rosettenville parliamentary seat in 1958 and since then has always championed the under-privileged.

His special political interests include hospitalization and mine worker education. In the economic sphere he has always arrived at the banishment of fear of oppression and injustice in the minds of all South African citizens.

He has frequently called for a revision of the public health services and advocated the incorporation of a new scheme for pensions for the aged and infirm. One of his most significant contributions in politics was getting a select committee on hospitalization in the Transvaal.

Through his efforts too that Provincial Council agreed to a Select Committee on horse-racing.

In his younger days he played cricket and football for his university and hospital. He married Miss Anne Misell and had a daughter, Mary.



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