Séries E - Hewitt Ephemera

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Hewitt Ephemera


  • 27 October 1830 - 18 July 1922 (Produção)

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Extent31 items

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2 Cards inscribed 'In memory of Henry Hewitt, died 23 November 1870, aged 36 years' and 'In memory of Henry Hewitt, die 12 September 1869, aged 72 years'; signature of Aletta Johanna Hewitt given at Cradock 1902; handwritten certificate (in Dutch) of baptism of Aletta Johanna Garcia, signed 19 March 1877 (Georgestad); marriage certificate of James Hewitt and Aletta Garcia, Riversdale 1877; signature of John Hewitt 1802; signatures of Mary Hewitt, G Hewitt, R Hewitt, Mary Hewitt; signature of S Hewitt, March 1802; invitation to Rev J A Hewitt, Riversdale, from His Excellency and Lady Frere to lunch at Government House; envelope addressed to James A Hewitt, St Augustine's College, Canterbury, with the Archbishop of Canterbury's wax seal (1870); postcard to Rev Dr Hewitt, Trinity House, Port Elizabeth from the Rector of Heidelberg, May 1894.

Deacon's Licence to Preach given by Robert, Cape Town to James Alexander Hewitt, 6 March 1871 for the parish of All Saints, Bredasdorp (with Archbishop's dry seal); notice given of James Hewitt's intention to offer himself as candidate for Deacon, witnessed 29 January 1871; testimonial addressed to Robert, Cape Town, signed by the clergy of Cape Town on hehalf of James Alexander Hewitt, student of St Augustine's College, Canterbury and candidate for office of deacon 31 January 1871; part of a book cover with "Hy Hewitt, Apsley Academy, Bedfordshire, near Wobun" inscribed; 5 hand-painted playing-cards, the work of Mary Hewitt, daughter of James Hewitt; confirmation certificate of Henry Alexander Chichele Hewitt, 18 December 1892 in Holy Trinity Church, Port Elizabeth; Last Will and Testament of Henry Hewitt 27 October 1830 in Henry Hewitt's handwriting; programme of installation and investiture at Concordia Lodge; autographed card of annual festival of installation of W M and investiture of officers 9 October 1919 Concordia Lodge.

Programme of ceremony of installation 18 July 1922 Panmure Mark Lodge 435 with Wor. Bro. H A C Hewitt installing Master; Hewitt voting card; Calling card - Mrs & 2 Miss Hewitts, Cradock; invitation card to installation of H A C Hewitt as S W (W M Elect) Concordia Lodge; card in memory of Richard Hewett, died 6 December 1872 aged 86 years; confirmation card of Aletta Johanna Garcia September 15 1876; memorial of First Mass - H A C Hewitt, December 19 1904.

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