Séries N2 - Negotiations

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  • 1993 (Produção)

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Documents, Reports, Publications about the Negotiations process in South Africa in 1993, including amongst others:

Notes on Transition.

Document pack for the meeting of the Plenary of the multi-party negotiating process. 17 November 1993, Vol. IV.

Towards a SA Constitution, by Hugh Corder.

Notes on Constitutional Court, by Dullah Omar. 31 October 1990.

12th Report of the Technical Committee on Constitutional Issues to the Negotiating Council. 2 September 1993.

The Public Service. 1993.

Definition of 'President'. 1993.

Draft Chapter on general and transitional provisions, formulated for submission to the Technical Committee on constitutional issues, Ch. 14. 26 November 1993.

National negotiations consultative forum, Working documents. 26-27 June 1993.

7 steps to democracy - An ANC guide to the negotiations process. March 1993.

The road to peace - Resource material on negotiations. ANC Dept. of Political Education. June 1990.

Talking with the ANC. Bureau for Information. Government Printer Pretoria. June 1986.

Open letter to state President de Klerk and his Cabinet from the NEC of the ANC. Star, 9 April 1991.

Statement by Nelson Mandela at the opening of the ANC-NP Government summit. 26 September 1992.

Report of the Working Group established under Paragraph 1 of the Groote Schuur Minute.

Groote Schuur Minute. 4 May 1990.

Pretoria Minute. 6 August 1990.

Submission to the Technical Committee on Fundamental Rights during the transition.

Memorandum on a Constituent Assembly and Interim Government. 22 July 1990.

'The Shape of things to come? NP choices in the South African transition', by Steven Friedman.

Position Paper: Solutions MK.

Proliferation of Firearms.

'The modalities of combining the SATBVC and Liberation movements' Intelligence services in a changing South Africa'.

Documents about the restructuring of the various intelligence services.

Briefing document on Interim control of the Police.

Draft Policy document on Security.

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