Fundos A182 - Charles Cowen Papers

Zona de identificação

Código de referência



Charles Cowen Papers


  • 1851 - 1896 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

Extent47 items

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor


História biográfica

He was born in England but emigrated to the Cape in 1853 and soon became active in journalism, using the pseudonym "Caractacus". He was one of the first to visit the Diamond Fields and to publish something on them. In 1875 he moved to Port Elizabeth where he edited local newspapers and wrote on commercial subjects. In 1887 he went to Johannesburg and was again active in journalism. He was interested in native affairs and was an important figure in free-masonry. Amongst his published works were the South African Exhibition, Port Elizabeth 1885 published in 1886, Johannesburg: Golden centre of South Africa, 1889 and Memoir of W.H. Schrader, artist, 1894.

História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

The Cowen Papers consist of correspondence, sketches, notes, photographs and printed items. They were collected together during the years 1894-1896 by Cowen, who was anxious to discover the true history of the massacre of the Tyumie (sometimes written Chumie) Valley military settlers during the so called 8th "Kaffir War" of 1850-1852. The Gaikas were enraged against the military settlers because they were occupying their favourite land and this ill-feeling increased when the military settlers seized Gaika cattle trespassing on their land and when the Gaikas thought that Chief Tyali's grave had been desecrated. On Christmas Day 1850 the Gaikas under Chief Sandile (1823-1878) attacked the military settlers, wiping out all at Woburn, killing all the men at Auckland but allowing the women to escape and burning Juanasberg, from which the settlers had escaped. Cowen had written to missionaries, government servants and military men who had been present during the massacre in an attempt to find the true facts.

The papers reveal a surprising divergence in the stories of certain individuals. In particular the account of Captain J.M. Stevenson, formerly superintendent of Juanasberg, differed substantially from the stories of the missionaries. As part of his enquiry Cowen published in 1896 a pamphlet by J.M. Stevenson, with a preface written by himself, entitled Tyumie Valley Massacres. This pamphlet had wide margins to allow for comments by the readers. Other correspondents included Captain G. Armytage, 1st Superintendent at Woburn, A.W. Baker, Civil Commissioner, Alice, W.B. Chalmers, Civil Commissioner, King Williams Town, The Rev. J.F. Cumming, missionary at Gwali, W. Dewey, editor of the Alice Times and J.B. Liefeldt, Inspector of Natives, Victoria East.

The papers contain interesting accounts by missionaries and soldiers who survived the massacre and there are photographs of contemporary sketches of various localities in the Tyumie Valley. Their provenance is not known, other than that they were part of the original Gubbins collection of Africana. Another Cowen item, a copybook, was destroyed by fire at the University of the Witwatersrand in December 1931.

Avaliação, selecção e eliminação

Ingressos adicionais

Sistema de arranjo

Zona de condições de acesso e utilização

Condições de acesso

Condiçoes de reprodução

Idioma do material

Script do material

Notas ao idioma e script

Características físicas e requisitos técnicos

Instrumentos de descrição

Zona de documentação associada

Existência e localização de originais

Existência e localização de cópias

Unidades de descrição relacionadas

Descrições relacionadas

Zona das notas

Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

Pontos de acesso

Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

Pontos de acesso - Locais

Pontos de acesso - Nomes

Pontos de acesso de género

Zona do controlo da descrição

Identificador da descrição

Identificador da instituição

Regras ou convenções utilizadas


Nível de detalhe

Datas de criação, revisão, eliminação

Línguas e escritas



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