Fundos A731 - Papers of Sir Thomas Cullinan

Zona de identificação

Código de referência



Papers of Sir Thomas Cullinan


  • 1899 - 1955 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

Extent148 items

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor

História biográfica

Sir Thomas Cullinan - (1862-1936)

He was born in the Eastern Cape, entered the building trade, and took part in the native wars during the eighteen seventies. He moved to the Eastern Transvaal where he was successful at his trade but soon entered the field of mining. In 1896 he founded a plant at Olifantsfontein for the production of brick and tiles. After taking part in the South African War, Cullinan secured the right to exploit the still unprospected property of Willem Prinsloo, on which in 1902 was discovered the Premier Diamond Mine, the world's largest diamond property. During his industrial career he was Chairman of the Premier Mine, Chairman and Director of the New Eland Diamonds Ltd., director of several gold mining companies and owner of the Consolidated Rand, Brick, Pottery & Lime Co, Ltd. In addition he was interested in farming and aforestaton and owned several farms.

Sir Thomas took a keen interest in politics, being an advocate of responsible government for the Transvaal and the Free State and representing Pretoria North in the first Transvaal parliament, He was a great advocate for Union and was elected for the same constituency to the first Union Parliament. In 1910 he was knighted for his services to the Diamond Fields. During the First World War he served as a major in the campaign against the Germans in S. W. Africa and was mentioned in despatches for gallantry in the field.

História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

The Cullinan Papers would be of considerable use to anyone writing a biography of Sir Thomas Cullinan.

Perhaps the most important part of the papers is the material (notebooks, correspondence, telegrams and notes) on the campaign against the Germans in S.W. Africa during the first World War. The scrapbooks, loose press clippings and other miscellaneous items in the collection would be of interest to the political researcher, particularly for the period 1905-1910. There is also a little of mining interest for the industrial historian.

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Ingressos adicionais

Sistema de arranjo

Zona de condições de acesso e utilização

Condições de acesso

Condiçoes de reprodução

Copyright Historical Papers Research Archive, The Library, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

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Zona de documentação associada

Existência e localização de originais

Existência e localização de cópias

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Zona das notas


Alternate title: Cullinan, Sir Thomas

Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

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Pontos de acesso - Nomes

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Identificador da descrição

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Regras ou convenções utilizadas


Nível de detalhe

Datas de criação, revisão, eliminação

Línguas e escritas



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