Fondo AD1912A - South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR), Press Cuttings, Part A

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South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR), Press Cuttings, Part A


  • 1928-1998 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción


Volumen y soporte

2588 boxes

Área de contexto

Nombre del productor


Historia administrativa

After the formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910, legislation was enacted which discriminated against the non-White section of the population and increased the racial segregation existing at the time of Union. This angered many Blacks and caused a series of strikes by Black workers. By the 1920s responsible Europeans, particularly churchmen, saw the importance of bringing the races together. Native Welfare Societies, consisting of liberal and philanthropic Europeans, were founded which in due course were replaced by Joint Councils, inter-racial in character.

The Joint Council movement was largely the inspiration of Dr. Thomas Jesse Jones and Dr. J.E.K. Aggrey who in 1921 conducted a study tour of education in South Africa on behalf of the Phelps-Stokes Fund of the United States of America. They had seen the value of inter-racial councils in America and persuaded Dr. C.T. Loram, Chief Inspector of Education in Natal, and his friend J. D. Rheinallt Jones, Secretary of the Witwatersrand Council of Education, to establish a multi-racial organisation with the aim of promoting understanding and goodwill between the races. Rheinallt Jones founded the first Joint Council of Europeans and Africans in Johannesburg in 1921 and by 1931 there were in existence thirty European-African Joint Councils' three European-Indian Joint Councils and a European-Coloured Joint Council was in the process of formation. In all eighty Joint Councils were established, many of them continuing to exist side by side with the Institute of Race Relations after it was founded in 1929. By 1951 only two Joint Councils remained, of which only one was active.

During visits to South Africa in the 1920s Dr. Jesse Jones convinced Rheinallt Jones of the need to set up a national body to centralise interracial activities. The project was made possible by finance from the Phelps-Stokes Fund and the Carnegie Corporation. Rheinallt Jones convened an inter-racial conference in Cape Town in January 1929 which revealed enthusiasm for a national organisation. He called together a committee of seven prominent South Africans not connected with any political party - E.H. Brookes, Professor J. du Plessis, Professor D.D.T. Jabavu, Dr. C.T. Loram, T.W. Mackenzie, J.H. Nicholson and J.H. Pim. They met on 9 May 1929 at the house of the Rev. Dr. R.E. Phillips in Johannesburg, resolved to fern a South African Institute of Race Relations and elected C.T. Loram chairman Howard Pim treasurer and Rheinallt Jones secretary.

With the deaths of Mackenzie end Nicholson and the transfer of Loram to a professorial chair at Yale, the Committee was reduced to six but in 1930 Dr. J.G. van der Horst was added and in 1931 Professor R.F.A. Hoernle, Leo Marquard and Senator Lewis Byron. These ten committee members are regarded as the foundation members of the Institute.

Historia archivística

Origen del ingreso o transferencia

Área de contenido y estructura

Alcance y contenido

List of deferred references:

Acts SEE Legislation.

Afrikaner Weerstand Beweging SEE Rightwing groups.

Aggett, Neil SEE Detention deaths.

Alexandra Township SEE Urban Conditions: Transvaal Relocations.

African Invention SEE ANC.

Amenities (Racial Segregation) SEE also Petty Apartheid.

Anti- Semitism SEE Jewish community.

Apartheid SEE ASLO Amenities, Petty Apartheid, Bus, Beach Zoning.

Armed Struggle SEE ALSO Terrorism.

Bakubung Tribe SEE Removals: Transvaal.

Bantustan SEE Homelands.

Barberton Prison Farm SEE Prisons & Prisoners.

Basutoland SEE Lesotho.

Bathlaping Tribe SEE Removals Western Cape.

Beach Segregation SEE ALSO Apartheid.

Bechuanaland SEE Botswana.

Biko, Steve SEE Detention Deaths.

Bilingualism SEE White Unity.

Bills SEE Legislation.

Bus Boycotts SEE Boycotts.

Bureau of State Security SEE Police.

Cape SEE Urban Conditions.

Cato Manor SEE Urban Conditions.

Census Statistics SEE ALSO Population.

Church of the Province of SA SEE Anglican Church.

Churches (General) SEE ALSO Religion.

Cinderella Prison, Boksburg SEE Prisons.

Committees Drift SEE Removals.

Communism SEE SACP.

Conscientious Objectors SEE ALSO End Conscription Campaign.

Crime SEE ALSO Juvenile Delinquency.


Delinquency SEE Juvenile Delinquency.

Democratic Party, SEE ALSO Progressive Federal Party.

Dimbaza SEE Removals.

Disinvestment SEE Sanctions.

District Six SEE Urban Conditions: Cape.

Drakensberg SEE Urban Conditions: Natal.

Durban Riots: SEE Urban Conditions: Natal.

Durban strikes SEE Strikes: Durban.

East London SEE Urban Conditions.

East Rand SEE Urban Conditions: Transvaal.

Education SEE ALSO Universities.

Emigration SEE Immigration.

End Conscription Campaign SEE ALSO Conscientious Objection.

Entertainment SEE Films.

Evaton SEE Urban Conditions, Vaal Triangle.

Exiles SEE ALSO Refugees.

Fagan Commission SEE Native Commission.

Farm Labour SEE ALSO Labour, Farm.

Farming SEE Agriculture.

Food SEE ALSO Agriculture.

Foreign Relations SEE International Relations.

Franchise SEE ALSO Vote.

Gangs SEE Crime and Juvenile Delinquency.

Health SEE Also Hospitals.

Hitsquads SEE ALSO Violence.

Hospitals SEE ALSO Health.

Housing SEE ALSO Urban Conditions.

Johannesburg SEE Urban Conditions : Transvaal.

Justice SEE ALSO Crime.

Khoi Khoi SEE Anthropology.

Korsten SEE Removal.

Kupugani SEE Feeding schemes.

Labour SEE ALSO Domestic Workers; Employment; Migrant Workers; Strikes; Trade Unions.

Law SEE Justice.

Limehill SEE Removals.

Malnutrition SEE Feeding.

Mamatola Tribe SEE Removals.

Manufacturing SEE Industries.


Mkhize, Saul SEE Police: Shootings.

Mombaris, Alex SEE Prisons: Escapes.

Multi-party conference SEE ALSO Negotiations.

Natal SEE Urban Conditions.

National Intelligence Service SEE Police.

Negotiations SEE ALSO Multi-Party.

Newclare SEE Urban Conditions Transvaal.

Orange Free State SEE Urban Conditions.

Penal Reform SEE ALSO Prisons.

Petty Apartheid SEE ALSO Amenities; Apartheid.

POQO SEE Pan African Congress.

Port Elizabeth SEE Urban Conditions.

Pretoria SEE Urban Conditions.

Reconstruction and Development (RDP) SEE ALSO ANC 1995.

Removals SEE ALSO Urban Conditions.

Reserves SEE Homelands.

Resettlements SEE Relocations.

Rhodesia SEE Zimbabwe.

Rivonia Treason Trial SEE Political Trials.

Robben Island SEE Prisons & Prisoners.

Sanctions SEE ALSO Economics (Boycotts).

Schools SEE Education.

Security Police SEE Police.

Separate Development SEE Apartheid.

Sharpeville SEE Violence, 1960.

Slums SEE Housing.

Sophiatown SEE Urban Conditions (Western Areas).

South African Broadcasting (SABC) SEE ALSO Media.

South African Defence Force SEE ALSO Defence.

South African Police SEE Police.

Soweto SEE Urban Conditions.

Spies SEE Police.

Squatters SEE ALSO Housing Relocations.

Stinkwater SEE Relocations.

Strachan, Harold SEE Prisons.

Strikes SEE ALSO Labour.

Traders SEE Black Businessmen.

Trade Unions SEE ALSO Labour.

Transvaal SEE Urban Conditions.

Unemployment SEE Employment.

Urban Conditions SEE ALSO Housing; Provinces; Removals.

Wages SEE ALSO Labour.

Williamson, Craig SEE Police.

Witchdoctor SEE Herbalist.

Witchcraft SEE Tribal customs.

Valorización, destrucción y programación


Sistema de arreglo

The press clippings have been sorted alphabetically according to subjects.

Área de condiciones de acceso y uso

Condiciones de acceso


Idioma del material

Escritura del material

Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras

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Instrumentos de descripción

Área de materiales relacionados

Existencia y localización de originales

Existencia y localización de copias

Unidades de descripción relacionadas

Área de notas


The number next to the letter in the left-hand column refers to the box number.

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Puntos de acceso por lugar

Puntos de acceso por autoridad

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Fechas de creación revisión eliminación




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